Monday, September 22, 2008

Sunday: A week on the updated off-season diet

Gosh, my off-season diet plans are keeping me LEAN! But, that is the goal...I am following my plans to a "T" so that I have to diet as little as possible next year for my pro debut. Me and my new butt will be at our best ever!!

I'm a little over 2100 calories a day right now, 164 grams of carbs, 227 grams of protein and 64 grams of fat. Carbs come from Kashi Go Lean cereal, yams, milk, rice cakes, yogurt, fruit and the little bit I get from my salads. Protein comes from egg whites, protein shakes, chicken and steak. Fat comes from yolks, almond butter, almonds, and steak. I'm holding at about 140 lbs...I get 2 cheats a week, tonight it was Giordano's deep dish pizza (pepperoni) and a slice of Adam's Peanut Butter Cup Fudge Ripple from CF :)

Got to go to sleep...I have a killer cardio session of interval training on the step mill tomorrow!

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