October 19th shoot with Walt...California Girl!! Soon to be very soon ;) Lots more amazing photos and very different galleries and videos. "Don't fear failure so much that you refuse to try new things"...can't wait to share all the new stuff!
From my galleriey "Look Into the Mirror" (10/18)
Look into the Mirror - there are 2 of me in this shoot! You get to see me from all angles at the same time ;) - Walt Ostarly photos
AND THE VIDEO! Posted 10/20 and 10/22
"All angles, all access, and Me times two = Pure Ecstasy."
Walt Ostarly Videos
New gallery "Silver Bikini"10/15/2010
Oh so glamorous and sexy! From one of my Las Vegas 2010 Olympia shoots...
Hope Parr photos (17 images)
I have packed up all of my things, loaded them on a moving truck and I am headed back to the West Coast - yay!! This time to Southern California. I'll be out there in just a week!